fengwuchao artist web
Title: Salt Pond
Date: 2020
My hometown Ningbo had been a major salt farming city for hundreds of years but all the salt ponds have been gradually abandoned for urban development except the only one on a remote island.
The Salt Pond series depicted different statuses of salt farming from filtered seawater to raw salt. The process including filtration, concentration, purification, harvesting salt, etc. is quite similar to the integration or detachment of individuals in the collective to me. From observing the dynamic form of salt, I start to find its poetic motion and power harmonize with my vital identity by presenting me with further possibilities of existence.
Salt Pond系列展现了从过滤的海水到结晶的粗盐这一晒盐过程中盐的不同形态。过滤、凝结、提纯、收扫等过程就像是个人于集体之间的融入与脱离。我通过捕捉盐各式各样的形态间诗意的动感和力量,感悟了鲜活的生命形态的可能。