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Title:  Loose Being


Date: 2021

The improvisational performance "Loose Being" uses rocks as a natural metaphor to advocate the unlabeled process of spiritual reconciliation. The improvisation takes place on the rocks under the frame of "dynamic to  static,  individual to collective, loose to cohesive, individualized to unlabeled", focusing on selves with feeling the nature. By removing the identity labels and returning to the essence, it asks the performers to rethink the relevance of the individual, the collective, and nature with an inclusive mindset.


这两个月我一直在思考一个我跃跃欲试的命题:松散生命,慢慢地解构人与石头生命的脉络。于是我的心里就落下了块石头的影子,我与石头遥遥相望,它漫长无际的生命里,或是爆破般的碎裂,或是风蚀靡靡的消磨,而我于它而言瞬息万变地流淌。每个人都是一块破裂的石头,每个人都来自于同一块原石。去掉标签,去掉特征,去掉社会角色和功能,我们都是躺在柔白河床上的石头而已。平淡无奇而久远,这样想着,日暮的风猛然关上了门,是风铃清脆的爆破声。                                            --2019年6月

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